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Flooded House Repair – Atkinson, NH 03811

Water Damage & Contents Restoration Case Study

A New Hampshire woman returns home from a three-day business trip to discover that her newly renovated gym in the basement had been infiltrated with gallons upon gallons of water. She was standing up to her shins in a cold, murky, mold breeding ground. She walked around her once beautifully constructed gym to gather the extent of the damages and to see if mold growth had started. Unfortunately, she found a colony of fungi making its way up a wall behind her treadmill. Flooded house repair services were needed ASAP.

In a nervous panic, she contacted Soil Away’s emergency 24/7 team for immediate flooded house repair after normal business hours. In no time, a team of experts arrived to examine the damage. They confirmed that there was significant flood damage present in the home but reassured the woman that the team will do everything within their power to restore the room back to preexisting condition and get her life and home back to normal.

Restoration process in a flooded house repair

As the first line of defense against mold growth and irrevocable damage to the integrity of the home, the team used high powered truck mounted water extraction pumps for flooded house repair. Because the hard wood flooring was left submerged in water for three days, it had to be discarded and the concrete floor underneath had to be thoroughly dried. In this case, moisture meters read 99 percent in the walls so sheet rock also had to be removed to allow ventilation and air to pass through the structure of the home. Following the demolition, HEPA vacuums, air scrubbers and anti-microbial agents were used to ensure that the mold spore issue was eliminated. To assist in the structural drying process, dehumidifiers and fans were also used to dry the air and create a livable atmosphere. When quick action is taken, in most cases, the structure of the home can be salvaged.

It is Esporta clean!

Soil-Away’s cleaning crew is certified to handle all the restoration needs of its customers. The high-powered Esporta is4000 is equipped to clean and sanitize even the toughest soft-contents project. It can remove offensive odors and kill harmful viruses and bio waste from clothing, sheets, comforters, rugs, jackets, stuffed animals, shoes, the list goes on. This efficient cleaning system reduces the cost of restoring soft materials by diminishing the need for hand or atmosphere cleaning and purification. Another great benefit to the Esporta system is happy policy holders; this method of cleaning and sanitization greatly reduces insurance settlement expenses. This efficient machine is tough on harmful toxins but is gentle on soft materials during a flooded house repair. If soft-contents are affected in a flood, Soil-Away’s team will inventory, pack-out and restore all items at their Esporta certified facility in Hooksett, NH.

A team of helpful restoration professionals

Soil-Away has proven success in gauging the needs of customers and delivering top-notch performance. This family owned business has been servicing the greater New Hampshire and Massachusetts area for over 25 years and looks forward to the continuation of servicing both families and business owners alike. For 24/7 emergency water or fire damage cleanup services in Atkinson call 603-641-6555 to consult with Soil-Away today.

Image Credit: Jsolloway

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